Parenthood: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
By Renee
" Moooom! Where are my shoes?" "Moooom! She's looking at me." "Moooom! _____________." (you fill in the blank.) There are days when I ask myself, "What were you thinking?"and "Why did you think this was a good idea?" If you're honest with yourself, you do too. But alas, it is true. I am Mom and I'm glad about it! My children are truly a gift, really. But on those days when the kids are fighting or I've just said "brush your teeth" for the fourteenth time, I can lose sight of this pretty quickly. Then, my attitude about my children can take a complete turn from gift to burden. That starts the cycle of guilt for thinking they could ever be a burden and then that turns into resentment and so on. You get the picture.