One Word At A Time: Trust
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 9:00AM
MAD21 in Family Life, Life on the Playground, One Word At A Time, One Word At A Time, Trust

By MAD21

Peter's One Word at a Time blog carnival on Obedience was so successful a few weeks ago, we all decided we'd like to make it a regular thing. So, every other week, we will choose a word to write about and link back to Bridget's blog (since doing One Word at a Time is her "thing"). This week, we bring you:

I asked my family: "What does Trust mean to you?"

Youngest daughter (3.5): (Long pause... shoulder shrugg) "I don't know, Mommy. What is it?"

Oldest daughter (5.5): "Doing something God asks you to. And keeping your promises, too."

Hubby: "The ability to know someone will do something when they say they will."

Me: "That someone or something will do what they are supposed to do, or what was promised. That someone is telling the truth."

The dictionary defines trust as: "Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence." So. To trust someone or something, one must have confidence in the one you are trusting. Is trust something that comes naturally, or is it something that is earned, or ...learned?

For the most part, I used to believe that people were pretty much born trusting. I mean, when you are an infant, what else can you do but trust that someone will take care of you. But as I've gotten older and have become a parent, I now believe there is so much more to it than that. It's quite possible that instead of trust being something that you either have or do not have, it is rather something that grows as we do. As we live through experiences and try out new things, we learn whether someone or something can be trusted.

Every week as I watch my oldest daughter during her horse riding lessons, I watch as she learns not only to trust the horse she is riding, but also learning to have confidence in herself to be able to control her horse.  And every time I drop my youngest daughter off at pre-school and reassure her that I will return at the end of the morning to get her, she is building her confidence in me that I will do as I say.

As we get older and develop relationships with people, I think we all start out with a certain level of trust, but I believe that deep, sincere trust is something that has to be grown over time. You wouldn't trust an important secret or fact with a business associate you've worked with for a month like you would with someone who has been your friend since childhood.

So many people struggle with this issue. And for good reason, I suppose. I have yet to meet a person who was not hurt at some point in their lives by someone who had broken their promises. But I honestly don't think most people set out to hurt others. Selfishness rears it's ugly head often enough that unfortunately we all choose at some point, on some level, that not hurting someone else is less important than getting what we want for ourselves. We put blinders (called denial) on and say our choice doesn't really matter or doesn't hurt anyone, and then act like we don't see the consequences, and unfortunately, sometimes we don't see them so it's easy to ignore.

Should we trust people? Sure. But personally, I think we need to remember that every last one of us are humans who fail to do the right thing at times. I think that each individual deserves the level of trust that they build up in their relationships. In other words, if you lie a lot, or don't show up when you say you will, or you talk behind the back of a 'friend,' you deserve the level of trust that brings.  Likewise, if you are someone who doesn't tell when asked not to, who shows up, who is present in the relationship and does what you say you will, then you deserve the level of trust that brings, too.

So. What does this mean in regards to our trust in God? I believe that just like trust in others, it is also something that has to be grown or built, however, God will never fail us like another person would.  When it comes to our relationship with God, trust grows as our faith grows. When we give our lives to Him, we start out with a young faith, a young love, a young trust. Over time as we build our relationship with Him, all of those things grow stronger. But, it first has to start with us having faith in Him, believing in His Word, obeying and trusting Him. We may not always understand why things happen to us and around us, but we have to have faith, and trust that God knows what He is doing.

"In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?" (Psalm 56:4)

"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." (Psalm 62:8)

"I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."" (Psalm 91:2)

Be sure to read Bridget's post on Trust and find links to the other posts.

Bridget is a friend and fellow blogger lives in Washington state, and is a wife and mother to two awesome teenagers. Be sure to go to check out what she has to say as she tries to Make a Difference, One Word At A Time.

Article originally appeared on Make a Difference to One (
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