He Has Overcome The World
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 9:00AM
MAD21 in Devotions, Devotions, Faith, Hope

By Pat

This morning, for my morning devotional, I read Acts 12:1-19. I am familiar with the story...as you may be too. Peter had been imprisoned by Herod, and the situation was dire. He was in chains and was guarded as well, so there seemed to be no hope for escape. But Peter was in for a big surprise. The night before he was to go on trial, angels came to the prison and Peter was set free.

Now, the timing of me reading that particular scripture could not have been better. I have been struggling of late with very heavy and difficult issues, but instead of being imprisoned by tangible chains, I have been imprisoned by invisible chains of doubt and fear. I have allowed Satan, not King Herod, to lock me up and fill me with terrible feelings. Feelings that I don't even like to acknowledge to myself.

But God knows. I can never fool Him. I have been praying and praying, and I know that others are praying for my situation as well. I am scared, and my faith has taken a beating. But God sent His angels to rescue Peter. Why would I think He won't do the same for me? I know He hears. I know He cares. And in His perfect timing I know he will send what is needed to fight the battle that lies ahead.

I must remember this. We ALL must remember this. In John 16:33, Jesus says "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!" What a comfort to me that is. Do I feel better right now, at this moment? Well, I have to say not too much. But what I DO have is renewed hope. The trust and belief that, although things are very dark right now, Jesus knows and no matter what Satan throws at me, Jesus has already beat him! The tunnel I am in is still dark. But I do see the light at the end of it. It's the light of God.

Article originally appeared on Make a Difference to One (http://makeadiff21.com/).
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