Fingerprint Friday: Flowers
Friday, October 23, 2009 at 1:20PM
MAD21 in Faith, Fingerprint Friday, Fingerprint Friday, Flowers, Fun

By MAD21

I am ashamed that I don't know more about them, but I love flowers. I am allergic to most of them, especially the ones that have a strong fragrance. But I love looking at the many different variety of flowers that are around us all the time. At first, they look so simple. Easily unseen in a busy day. But if you take a moment to really look at them, you will see how complex they are, they come in all shapes and sizes and every shade of the rainbow. Few things can compare to the beauty and color like flowers. I've heard them referred to as the paintbrush of God, and I can understand why.

So as the season of flowers ends in most regions of our country, we will take a moment to stop and look. And praise the God who created them.

Fellow blogger Beki at Pampering You has a really great weekly post she does every Friday called "Fingerprint Friday." We are to look around and see where we can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Anywhere? Go find out where Beki saw God this week, and be sure to check out the other bloggers who linked their stories as well.

Article originally appeared on Make a Difference to One (
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