Let Them In...
Thursday, April 30, 2009 at 9:06AM
MAD21 in Family Life, Let Them In

By Roger

For the past few days, there have been signs warning motorists on a road near my house that the left lane is closed ahead, so please merge to the right lane. The sign isn't worded exactly like that, because the word please isn't in the State Highway Administrations dictionary. The reason why this scenario puzzles me is why so many people will ignore the sign and stay in the right lane until they have run out of space and now depend on someone to "let them in" to the open lane.

This used to infuriate me. Do these people think they are better than everyone else? Are these signs only for the people who sheepishly obey everything they are told to do? Then it came to me. Let them in.

That is what God would do. Like the thief on the cross, Jesus let him in to everlasting paradise at the last moment, when he had to merge in to the other lane. Hopefully the people you let in will do the same for others. What would Jesus do? Of course, "Let them in!"

Article originally appeared on Make a Difference to One (http://makeadiff21.com/).
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