Jellybeans With Purpose
Monday, April 5, 2010 at 7:00AM
MAD21 in Easter, Faith, Family Life, Family Life, Kids

By MAD21

He is risen!

We pray that everyone had a wonderful Easter! Our family had an amazing weekend celebrating one of our favorite holidays. We love the opportunity to come together as a community and remember what Christ sacrificed for us, and celebrate him defying all human understanding by rising from the darkness of death.

Our girls are old enough that they are now seeking to understand what this holiday means (as much as they can at six and almost four). They are beginning to realize that this day is about more than Easter dresses, egg hunts, and baskets full of goodies. We can still have fun with all of that, but now they are assigning meaning to things.

This year, our church gave them a gift that shared about how they could use jellybeans to remember what Christ sacrificed for us. It says:

Lord, in my basket I see six jellybeans. What could they mean?

Speckled is for the brokenness of my sin.

Red is for blood my salvation you'd win.

Blue is for faith - it's a gift I received!

White is for cleansing of sin. I believe!

Green is for studying your Word so I'll grow.

Yellow is for the promise of heaven, whey one day I'll go!

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." (Acts 16:31)

When my family gathered yesterday to celebrate together, someone brought a big bag of jellybeans. When my oldest saw the bowl, she yelled, "I get all the white ones! Because I believe!" It was so cute. I pray that when she and her sister are old enough to really understand who God is and who they are created to be, that she will shout to the world those same words, "I believe!!"

He is risen indeed!

Article originally appeared on Make a Difference to One (
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