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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Faith (252)


Jesus Freaks

By Pat

A short time ago, a friend and I were talking about what we'd do if we knew the return of Jesus was imminent. Would we be different? Live differently? I couldn't really think of anything major that I would change about my lifestyle, except for one thing. I told my friend I would desperately witness in an attempt to reach my family and friends who are not saved, to warn them that the end is near, in hopes that their salvation was secured. And as soon as the words left my lips...BAM! Convicted! Shouldn't I already be doing that?

I have always felt funny about being too pushy about what I know to be the truth. I have a fear of wondering what people think of me, of thinking I am strange; a Jesus freak. I worry that rather than nudge people towards Jesus, my manner and words might instead push them away. It happens...We've all heard stories about people who have been turned off by over-zealous Christians. But didn't Jesus command us to "go and make disciples of all nations?" And in order to do that, shouldn't I be asking God to help me to overcome my inhibitions and do what I need to do in order to make sure everyone I encounter knows exactly who Jesus is?

One of my favorite Bible heroes is John the Baptist. He was fearless, unique, forward and obedient. He knew he was here to point people to Jesus. He never proclaimed to be great, but instead told everyone about the coming of the great Savior, Jesus. "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord.' " (Mark 1:3) He didn't care to whom, where, when or how the message was delivered. He only knew he had a job to do, as do we, and he did it!

I want to be more like John. I want to overcome my fear of being avoided, or thought of as weird. I want to witness fearlessly, tirelessly and diligently. I want everyone to know my Lord and be saved. I want to be bold, not timid. I want the Holy Spirit to move in me in such a way that Jesus is made real and glorified in my every word. I want to be a Jesus freak! And with God's help, I can.

"I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he." (Luke 7:28)

Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.


God Says... "He is able to bless you abundantly."

By Peter Pollock

I say I have faith that God will provide, but only when it’s easy.

Somehow, Ginny has managed to pick the topics which are by far the most personal and hardest for me to write on

The text that Ginny suggested I use is 2 Corinthians 9:8:

"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

Now, to me, that verse has always spoken about material needs. God will give us all the money and all the materials we need to do whatever it is he calls us to do.

That’s AWESOME – and I totally believe it, with all my heart.

Ginny pointing me to this verse though and suggesting that I write about us saying “I'm not able” and God replying “I AM able” has made me see this verse in a new light.

If God is able to bless us abundantly in all things… then he must be able to bless us abundantly in ALL things, not just material things.

In other words, God is saying I can give YOU the tools YOU need physically, emotionally and mentally to do what I’ve called you to do.


There’s a part of me that can believe that but at the same time, it’s so much harder to trust God for.

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This is My Father's World

By Pat

From the time we are born until the time we die, at some point or another, we all have the "that's mine" mentality. Just watch children playing, and count how many times you hear the term "that's mine" either said, yelled or cried. We intervene. We tell they have to share; we remind them that's what God would want them to do. But do we sometimes need that same reminder?

In the Old Testament, the people fought constantly over their land, their countries. "It's mine!" Territories were guarded closely, and those who attempted to encroach upon another group's territory often found themselves asked to leave-and not so politely, either. Seems like things haven't really changed all that much, have they?

I intensely dislike, when navigating through an automated phone system, having to press a certain number to continue in English. Sheesh! It's America! Of course I want to continue in English. After all, that's the language spoken in MY country, isn't it? I have sometimes become resentful of small communities within larger communities where certain ethnic groups reside, sometimes clinging to the customs of their home countries, and this admission does not make me proud. And I know that I am not alone. But who do I think I am, proclaiming this to be MY country? Isn't it really God's WORLD? Yes. Is it.

And so I have been praying for God to change me, change my perspective and way of thinking and of the way I view other people. We are a world of many cultures, many languages, many races and many customs, but only one God; the God who created them all. We are all brothers and sisters living in one world created by the Master. Any walls or barriers that exist have been erected by us, not by God, and in order to live in harmony with one another, we must knock down these mental barriers. The Old Testament days are gone...we must share. I try now to see people not as any one ethnicity, but rather as simply God's children, and my country as God's world. It's NOT mine!

"Then Peter began to speak: 'I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right."  (Acts 10: 34)

Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.


God Says... "I forgive you."

By Nick (My Experience As...)

So often we say we believe one thing, but live another.  It’s easy to see in the “party Friday and Saturday but show up to church Sunday” Christians. I mean, come on, we have a great acronym for them, pfasbsutcs. So memorable isn’t it. We see it in some big ways in our own life.  We say “reading the Bible and praying is important” but spend more time on Facebook than we do in the Book.  I could go on and on, but instead of focusing on all that stuff, lets dig a little deeper.

I think we all struggle with living our belief that God is the biggest of the big.  I mean, God is infinite, He is omnipotent, He is eternal, and there are literally no limits on Him.  When, I was 16 we went on a trip to Montana.  Back then they didn’t have speed limits, but there were limits.  The sign said “safe and reasonable” but the police would pull you over and give you a reckless driving ticket if you went too fast.  I had in my mind “no limits” and got kind of excited.  Time to find out what this Dodge Caravan with a family of four and a ton of luggage can do. Then my dad explained the whole reckless driving thing and I ran into the limit.

I think we are looking for God’s limits. Can he really heal this disease?  Can He actually reach my lost loved one? Is my sin too big for God?

That’s the big one.  Right now you are thinking of that sin.  Maybe it is some past thing, maybe it is this ongoing struggle, but you remember, and you feel guilty.  The truth is, I know I am.

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Living For Today

By Pat

With all the crazy weather the world has been experiencing lately, much has been said about "the end" getting closer. Earthquakes which seem to be increasing in frequency, hurricanes, flooding, record-breaking seasons of tornados and droughts...hmm. People are talking. Could it be true? Could the end really be getting close? Wow! I hope so!

But wait...didn't Jesus clearly state, after telling us the signs to watch for, that we won't really know when it will happen? "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matthew 24:36). Yep. he sure did say that, and I believe it.

Therefore, instead of anxiously awaiting our departure from this world and arrival into the one to come, shouldn't we be making wise use of our time? I admit, with the current struggles my family and I have been undergoing for what seems to be a VERY long time now, nothing would make me happier than a swift and final exit. Goodbye, troubles! Goodbye, sadness! Goodbye, heartaches and pain and worries! I'm outta here! But also goodbye, unsaved friends and family. Goodbye, opportunities to discover more fully how God wants me to use my gifts and talents. Goodbye, chances to make the world a little better.

As tempting as it is to focus on the coming of Jesus, we can't allow ourselves to become so wrapped up in looking for signs that we fail to focus fully on the present, and therefore neglect the things we need to be doing here. We have to live more fully, serve more joyfully, seek more diligently, and witness more urgently. We must focus on today and live it to the best of our ability and allow God to use our current difficulites to mold and strengthen us. If we live with the "get me outta here" mentality, we fail to become the very best we can be for God.

And so, no matter how tough things get, there is still work to be done, more souls to be won, so I pray that God will adjust my focus, correct my mindset, and use me to be the best servant I can be!

Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.

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