Compassion For The Broken

By MAD21
We are all broken. Every single one of us. If we weren't, there'd have been no reason for Jesus to be born and die for us.
What does it mean to be broken? Well, do you suffer from: depression; excessive eating or spending; working too much; ignoring the needs of others; physical ailments; bad attitude; alcoholic/addict; the list could go on forever. The list also includes many things that would be considered politically incorrect to discuss in our society, but are very much on God's list of sins. We are all dealing with something. It's part of life.
But the big question is this: Is one sin worse than another? I know it's hard to not want to make one person's choice of sins worse than another, and I admit, it's hard for me, too. Very. My point here is not to debate whether murder is worse than gambling (I certainly know what my human mind would say). That is for God to determine, not me. What I want to talk about is compassion.