
Something to Think About
Go... Make a Difference

Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Showing Compassion (50)


Christmas Upside Down

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

This is a video that is making the rounds today. At first I was wondering what it was about (watch and enjoy). Then ask yourself...of all the gifts I unwrappred today did I accept and open the most important one. That God gave himself to us so that we might be redeemed.

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Hot Or Cold ~ Your Choice!

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

"So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:16, NIV)

This verse in the Bible pretty well lays it out as to how God feels about our actions. Think about it. God is pretty much saying that he would rather us be cold or hot toward him but not neutral. Being "on the fence" is repulsive to Him and he spits us out as if we were something untasty. I don't know about you but that graphic picture really makes me stop and think.

I know I am not "cold." I am a Christian and proud of it. Those that are cold probably do not even realize they are that way. They don't believe and really don't care about God. Even if they are believers they are too caught up in the world to make a difference. They go about their lives without thinking of the eternal consequences. On a lighter note we know that they certainly won't be cold in eternity. (I just had to throw that in).

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World Aids Day

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

Today is December 1st...a day set aside by the Global Community to mark awareness of Aids. A time to reflect and perhaps to Make a Difference. I challenge you to just not think about this today but perhaps make the month of December a period of introspection and reflection. Compassion has several great ways to get involved. There is a prayer guide, a "walk a mile" challenge, and a call for donations. You can get involved as an individual or as a group. I challenge you to do something....even if you decide just to walk that mile and pray you will be Making a Difference. If you do please leave a comment and lets see what happens. Blessings!


World Aids Day

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

December 1st is World Aids Day. As you know my passion is children and it incredible to find out that each day, about 1,000 children worldwide become infected with HIV, the vast majority of them newborns. I wanted to do a post about this crisis but found out there is just so much information out there that it may be easier to give you some links and let you do some homework. There are many groups that are attempting to make a difference such as Samaritan's Purse. Obviously my take today is going to be Compassion based since I work with them. There is no organization that is better than another! This is the work of the enemy and all of us are called by Christ to Make a Difference. I encourage you to get informed and to see what you can do on any level to make a difference. How much do you really know about aids? Here is a link to a short quiz from Compassion's website that can get you better informed.

Finally if you are interested in finding out about Compassion's Aids Initiative here is a link to a video that will give you some great information about what they do.
No matter what, December 1st is World Aids Day- will you get involved and Make a Difference??


Community of Believers

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

My last post was a request for prayer while explaining the valley I am currently walking through. Let me state that I know I am being prayed for and if nothing else then I am learning how important being part of a community is. My pastor, the youth minister, elders and other church members have come up to me to let me know they are praying for my situation. I have used social networking to let people know of my situation and just to pray. The response had been incredible. Last Saturday I was invited to speak (on behalf of Compassion) at a local church that I have a relationship with. They were having a night of worship with another church from Baltimore City. Prior to my presentation both churches prayed for my situation and for opportunities. Totally unexpected and incredible! It is great to be a part of this community and to know that others are caring for me. The walk through the valley is tough but it is great to know others are "walking" with me.

I can equate this with Compassion and its programs. Sponsorship is not about the dollars but rather about building a relationship. It is this relationship that gives the hope and brings about a difference. Writing and encouraging is one of the best feelings for both the giver and the receive. I know that my ministry had brought me more blessings than I could ever give. One of the best tag lines that Compassion has is that sponsorship is about changing two lives...the child's and the sponsors. It is so true!

Being a part of a community of believers is the best feeling. Knowing that there are others loving and caring for you- it is just a taste of what heaven will be like. Thanks all for your support and love.

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