Identity Theft? (Re-Post)

By MR, Age 14
The word identity is used in many different ways, but when you apply it to a person, its most essential definition is: "the distinguishing character or personality of an individual." A distinctive personality is what every teenager strives to find. "Coming into their own" or "discovering who they really are" have become common ways to define the search for an identity that a young person undergoes. Everyone is unique with indivdual ambitions, weaknesses, hopes and plans. Each of these things plays into how our ultimate identity is shaped.
In our world, there are so many places for a teenage girl to find her identity. The friends she has, the boys who like her, the clothes she wears, the music she listens to, the movies and television she watches, the places she goes, the size she wears, the way she looks, the list goes on and on. For the typical teenager, it isn't surprising if these things consume them and become their identity.