
By Renee
The message light is blinking. I can see it glaring red back at me and I know that once I push that button I’m going to have to do something with what I find. It’s been a crazy, hectic and exhausting week for me. This is the message I got:
“I don’t even know if this is the right number, but here it goes. I’m looking for emergency shelter for my two children and me. I hope you get this. You can call me at --- but if he answers just say you have a wrong number. He doesn’t know I’m trying to leave but I need emergency shelter now. You can best reach me between 4:30pm and 4:30am. Well, I hope this works. I don’t know what else to do.”
Wow. And here I was whining about my week. God sure did send me a jolt. Why is it that sometimes I have to be hit by a 2x4 for Him to get my attention? I am utterly struck by an overwhelming sense of humility and shame for complaining about my week. God is in control and life is good. I am breathing and I have a safe place to lay my head every night.
I’ll admit it. I do have a tough job as a social worker. My heart breaks every day as I work with the hurting homeless families I serve. You would think I could keep perspective, but my humanness takes over and I sometimes loose sight of my blessings. Thank you God for reminding me that everyday I can take a breath and my heart keeps beating is a good, good day!
Well, I made the call and he answered the phone. I told him I had the wrong number and hung up. I’m saying a prayer for that woman and her family. I will keep trying to reach her. Pray for her

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