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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Bailey (1)


Life Is Funny: Hot Air Balloons

By MAD21

We take our dog, Bailey, with us on most road trips. Whether it's just a short trip to the store or to pick up the girls from school, or an all day adventure, she loves to jump into the back of the jeep and dangle her head out the window. She is definitely a dog who loves to be with her family no matter where we go.

During the warmer months, we have hot air balloons that fly over our house quite often. This was not a problem until one particular afternoon about two years ago, one of those said balloons was flying lower than normal and set off their burner. I had no idea how loud those things were up close! Well, unfortunately, Bailey was outside when it happened. Let's just say I thought she was going to come straight through the glass sliding door trying to get inside.

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