Tasty Christmas Bites: Candy Bark

By Beth V
For the next few weeks, I’d like to feature some of my favorite Christmas recipes that are likely to be found on my own table and the tables of my sisters as we come together to celebrate Christ‘s birth. A few Christmases ago, just after my Dad passed away suddenly, I was understandably struck with a greater appreciation for the brevity of life. I created a memory book of family recipes with pictures from our childhood Christmases, photographs of recipes written out by mother’s hand over the years, recipes that my mom and her sisters brought to those family gatherings and new ones that I and my sisters and sister-in-law (and brother!) have added to the collection. I gave one to each of my siblings and my mom as a Christmas gift that year. This recipe comes from this cookbook - The Family Cookbook, as we have come to call it - contributed by my sister, Bonnie. I love this bark recipe. It is amazingly simple, easy and inexpensive and it only takes about 10 minutes to prepare. For such a small investment of time and money, the deliciousness factor of this recipe is out of this world.