
Something to Think About
Go... Make a Difference

Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Compassion (26)


Letters From The Heart

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

Part of child sponsorship is writing letters to your sponsored child. Sponsorship actually changes two lives- the child's and the sponsors. I know I can't wait to open every letter that one of my sponsored children sends me. Each day I hope to get a letter. I can imagine it is the same way for them. I tell many sponsors it is not the $38 that counts but rather the relationship that you are building. A sponsored child does not understand the monetary amount- that is what enables them to be in the program and provides for them. What makes a difference in their lives is that connection that is built through letter writing. Hearing from their sponsors shows that we care and love them unconditionally. When I saw Linda in May she brought every letter I had written to show me that she had saved them. Having been on two Sponsor Tours to Honduras I cannot tell you how many children have come up to me and said "Will you tell my sponsor to write to me?" I don't know their sponsor and this breaks my heart.

When I am talking to a potential sponsor I make sure that this fact is clearly made known. To release a child from poverty is not just about $$$$ but about giving hope through encouragement and sharing. Compassion does have a correspondence program in which people who understand the importance of letter writing will write to those children who do not have sponsors that write letters. I have included with permission an excellent slide show of some photographs of children with their letters. Look at how much they care.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child and making a difference let me really does impact two lives.


Be Salt And Light

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

Sometimes we think we can't make a difference. Sometimes we feel inadequate and not at all significant. The more I reflect on that I realize that it is Satan's way of weakening us and trying to make our efforts seem trivial.

We have been called to be Salt and Light to the world. Our efforts should be authentic and obvious to all. Others should see within us a difference and want to be a part of that.

Compassion exists to release children from poverty in the name of Jesus. How powerful is that? It is not just us trying to make a difference through our own ways and means. It is putting Christ and the center and using his power to accomplish what would be normally impossible. Having seen the results first hand I know it works. Having met my sponsored children I know it makes the difference.

I have included this video to show the children's thanks. Sure it is promotional BUT look in their eyes and smiles and know that they are genuine. That can't be faked. Reaching out to others is significant and does make a difference.


I Chose You

By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)

I have spoken of the importance of this ministry in my life and the impact one child had on my life. Today I would like to present the story from a friend of mine named Stephanie. We traveled together to Honduras and I know she has a heart for the poor and will be becoming an advocate for Compassion. She is someone I would love to have on my team.

This weekend she had her Compassion Sunday event and I asked her to give her testimony:

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Home And Heartbroken

By Chuck

Well we have returned from Honduras after an awesome week with Compassion International. How do I describe an incredible week in just a few short sentences? It is not easy. First off we had a great team. There were sponsors from all walks of live-young and old all with different spiritual gifts- all coming together for a God driven purpose on this trip. Karen and I especially connected with Beth and Linda. Beth is an independent music artist and hosts a Christian radio program in Minneapolis. She presents Compassion in her concerts but had never taken a tour like this. Linda is a fellow advocate who (like us) was returning to Honduras for the second time. Both of these became close friends and people we could debrief with.

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Falling In Love All Over Again

By Chuck

[Editor's Note: Chuck and his wife returned home safely yesterday, exhausted but excited to share their experiences with everyone. They spent their time in Honduras visiting families, working for Compassion, and spent a day visiting with the three kids their own family sponsors. To give Chuck time to get settled back in town, and at his 'day job,' as well as give him some time to write a new article for us, he asked us to re-post his blog post about the day he spent with the kids his family sponsors. Enjoy.]

(Thursday, May 21, 2009) Today was child visitation day! This was the day two years ago that changed my life forever. Those that know me and know my story understand the impact that meeting my sponsored child meant and how Compassion became my focus. I can never really put into words what a day like this is truly like. The emotional highs and lows are hard to describe. The doubts and fears that I had two years ago were not present. It was more like nervous anticipation about the entire day. We would be seeing Linda and Jeyelly for the second time and meeting Jorge for the first time.

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