Who Is God?
By Ginny (MAD21)
I've shared with you all before that one of my favorite times of day is bedtime. Not because it's when the house finally goes quiet, but because it's one of the few times in the day when I have some good, quality time with my girls without distraction. This is when we talk about our day, good times and bad, tell silly stories or ask serious questions.
During one particular conversation about a month ago, my oldest was asking me some questions about God and what I thought about him. At one point she actually asked me, "Who is God?" Leave it to our kids to ask us questions that can take a lifetime to answer. Since she is only almost seven (I have to say that -so she says- because she'll be seven in a few weeks), I could keep the answer a little simpler than if an adult were asking me, but it really got me thinking. For one thing, she won't be seven forever and she has a little sister who is growing up right behind her who rarely accepts short answers even at almost four and a half (that half is important to her, too).