
Something to Think About
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Goodness (4)


Remembering God's Goodness

By Pat

I am not a person who likes to dwell in the past. I am really not a grudge-holder, and when it comes to forgiving I don't have much trouble (except when it comes to myself!). I know that Jesus renews His followers daily, so I have never found it useful to remember how people used to be. Thinking about incidents from my past that I can't change do me no good in my current walk with the Lord. I am a changed person as we all are, and I am thankful every day. There are, however, times when I don't just recollect the past; I cling to it.

In those times when I find myself in a spiritual drought, the thing I do the most is look back at my other periods of weakenss, doubt and fear and remember how God got me through it as only He can and brought me out stronger than ever. I remember the incomparable, incredible feeling of knowing that I had finally heard God's voice, felt God's touch, in a way that was meant just for me. I remember, and it comforts me. I dwell in those past encounters with God, and my heart is warmed with the knowledge that my current state of spiritual drought will one day be remembered as a time of spiritual growth.

I am very thankful for the vivid memories of past times of struggles and how God reminded me that I am not alone. They sustain me and give me the strength to go on, sure of the fact that I am safe in God's arms, and I do not walk alone. Although I may be unsure of the length of the dark tunnel I am going through, I know my Conductor will take me through to the light again. I know because He's done it before. I remember!

"Blessed in the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." (James 1:12)

Pat is a good friend who is passionate about her faith and her family. She works from home supporting a family business, and loves to read, write and garden when she can, and spends every spare moment with her grandkids.


God Is... Good

By Jay Cookingham (Soulfari)

“We must never tolerate an instant’s unbelief as to the goodness of the Lord; whatever else may be questioned, this is absolutely certain, that Jehovah is good; His dispensations may vary, but His nature is always the same.”  - C. H. Spurgeon

God is good and everything He does is good.  Have you heard that phrase before? Those words flow so easy off the lips when all is well don’t they? When life throws up on you…what then? Two years ago my world came to a sudden and crashing halt. My wife Christine had a heart attack and though it was a minor one…it shook my faith in His goodness.

It was late when it happened, everyone was asleep except my oldest daughter, and she waited anxiously at home as I rushed her mom to the hospital. When my wife was stable and resting, I returned home around 3:30 in the morning. Exhausted and wondering how I would tell my kids that their mom had a heart attack and now was in ICU awaiting further tests. It was difficult, my kids range from age 8 to 21 and their response was as varied as their age. Some were crying, others stunned, and all were concerned of course. However, every one of them expressed (in their own way) something wonderful…their trust in God’s goodness towards their mom. They were positive (even more than I was) that their mom was in the best hands possible...the God who loved her.

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One Word At A Time: Goodness

By MAD21

I think "goodness" is one of those words that we hear a lot, but if asked what it was would be difficult to define. Is it truly possible to be good, or acquire goodness? We hear about goodness being wished upon someone, or giving it to someone, but is it something that can be given? Goodness is one of the fruits of the Spirit and it's referred to several times in the Bible. It's usually something that is in God's possession that he is sharing with us:

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No One Is Good, Not Even One

By Kelly (Living is Simple)

In my Senior Sem class at EMU, we read Henri Nouwen's "Turn My Mouring Into Dancing." Nouwen, in the book, says,

"Many things we think we do for others are in fact the expressions of our drive to discover our identity in the praise of others."

We were asked to respond, then, to these questions:

How has this been true or untrue in your life?

How does Christian culture and drive to service affect this?

I will freely admit that I often thread the praise or lack thereof into the tapestry of my identity. Who does not enjoy a word that builds confidence in what the body or mind can accomplish? Who does not fall into doubt when praise is few and far between? We crave affirmation in what we can do.

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