Every Day Life: A Refrigerator of MY OWN!

By Lara
Many years ago, while I still lived with my parents, I wrote the following paragraph in my journal.
Sometimes I fantasize about the day when I will have my own refrigerator. A day when I can open the door without having to worry about bowls of leftover pasta falling out all over the floor because they were precariously perched on a quarter head of lettuce, a rotting green pepper and 3 half sticks of butter still in their tinfoil and covered with toast crumbs. Where I could open the freezer without seeing 4 hideously decaying bananas that have been reserved for "smoothies" that are never made... or banana muffins. I HATE banana muffins. A refrigerator from which I could pull a block of cheese without having to smell it in order to identify what is smeared all over it (peanut butter). A refrigerator that does not have a small tupperware container with a clove of garlic perpetually suspended in the ice flow forming in the rear corner. There would be no ice cube wars. There would be no battle to see who throws away the last piece of leftover meatloaf.