Tasty Bites: Not Your Daddy's Parsnips
Friday, March 19, 2010 at 7:01AM MAD21
By Candy, RN (Steele the Day)
I loved my dad’s butter-fried parsnips growing up. They were the only vegetable I’d eat. Since I’ve strayed from using Dad-amounts of butter, I haven’t had a parsnip in 25 years. It was time.
We tend to give butter a bad rap because it contains so much saturated fat, but a little won’t hurt you and it adds a lot of flavor to foods that are naturally bland. I’d much rather indulge in a pat of real butter than something from a plastic tub full of ingredients and chemicals that I can’t pronounce.
tagged Nutrition, Parsnips, Recipe, Tasty Bites in Tasty Bites