Letters From The Heart
By Chuck (Sharing Compassion)
Part of child sponsorship is writing letters to your sponsored child. Sponsorship actually changes two lives- the child's and the sponsors. I know I can't wait to open every letter that one of my sponsored children sends me. Each day I hope to get a letter. I can imagine it is the same way for them. I tell many sponsors it is not the $38 that counts but rather the relationship that you are building. A sponsored child does not understand the monetary amount- that is what enables them to be in the program and provides for them. What makes a difference in their lives is that connection that is built through letter writing. Hearing from their sponsors shows that we care and love them unconditionally. When I saw Linda in May she brought every letter I had written to show me that she had saved them. Having been on two Sponsor Tours to Honduras I cannot tell you how many children have come up to me and said "Will you tell my sponsor to write to me?" I don't know their sponsor and this breaks my heart.
When I am talking to a potential sponsor I make sure that this fact is clearly made known. To release a child from poverty is not just about $$$$ but about giving hope through encouragement and sharing. Compassion does have a correspondence program in which people who understand the importance of letter writing will write to those children who do not have sponsors that write letters. I have included with permission an excellent slide show of some photographs of children with their letters. Look at how much they care.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child and making a difference let me know.....it really does impact two lives.