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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Teaching (4)


Works For Me Wednesday: Using Games To Teach

By MAD21

I have worked with children for years and have found that one of the best ways to teach children is through games. If they are having fun it not only holds their interest, but it makes them want to learn more.

One of my favorite ways to teach them how to listen to you and be tuned into your voice, is by playing a version of: Red Light Green Light. The game can be played the traditional way, but in real life, where we are rushing around and there is no time and not enough friends to play with, you can play the game while just walking or running.

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On-Task With Interruptions

By Sandra

I frequently chat with a friend, a fellow home educator, who concurs that it takes energy to stay on task with daily homeschooling.  Although we strive most days to hit the mark by covering the subjects on the schedule, there are days when unplanned events – interruptions- actually become the lesson for the day.

I have a feeling that today may be such a day.  I’ll be attending a memorial service for a friend’s father, which will put a snag in our planned lessons.   Filling in for me will be my dad, the children’s Pop Pop.  He won’t be teaching, at least not the subjects on the daily schedule.   But his readiness to step in when I’m in a pinch, his desire to be near the children, and his encouragement that they are doing a good job speaks volumes to their impressionable eyes and ears.  He is steady, reliable, and loving.  And that is the best book a child could read, a living one, that is dependable, truthful, and has a hug at the close of each chapter.

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Speaking LIFE Into Our Children

By Sandra

I ran into a friend at a restaurant yesterday, who wanted to get our kids together for a fun day before her son’s school begins next week. She shared with me that she would love to homeschool, if her situation allowed. God touched my heart when she shared that. She had been shopping for school supplies and said that she hated this time of year.  I sensed that she loved the extra time with her son that summer allows.

As many children, teachers, and parents are filled with anxiety or dread as the new school year begins, homeschool parents can relax. Not because it’s so much easier for us. We know it is difficult to teach our own children on some days. We can be filled with joy and peace, though, because we have such a privilege in imparting knowledge and wisdom to our own family, and because we know that God is our help. We have positioned ourselves to keep our children on the narrow path, teaching them all the life skills for survival and all the spiritual truths they need to prosper.

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Enjoying The Simple Things - A New Routine

By Sandra

Our family started back to homeschool this week. We have a “gradual entry” schedule in our home, which entails half-days of learning blocks for the first week, or sometimes two.  After all, we wouldn’t want the children –or the parents- to go into shock. It is still the season of summer vacations, after all! So far, so good. The children actually enjoyed moving back into a structured routine of learning. They got acquainted with several of their new books today, and seemed rather delighted to pen their names to the inside covers. It seemed to me they were taking pride in the prospective learning ground for the new year. Writing their names in the books and being introduced to the coming units of study, actually helps them stake their territory on the year. They begin to anticipate the coming subjects, characters, discussions and activities.

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