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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Top 10 List (2)


Top 10 Things I have Learned From My Sick Bed This Week

By Renee, LSWA

Yep.  I'm sick.  Fever raging, joint aching, muscle pulling while coughing kind of sick.  Doc says it's not any kind of flu, animal or otherwise, just an ear infection.  That's the only thing that doesn't hurt!  I have nothing profound or helpful this week but it is basic to life-illness.  While I don't particularly care for David Letterman I do enjoy a good top 10 list so here is mine:

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You Know You Have A Big Family When...

By Megan (Steps for Brady)

1. Your lineup of plates at dinner time resembles what you remember your elementary cafeteria counter looking like.

2. Your recycling bin fills up by mid week because your kids eat a jar of applesauce during one meal.

3. Sorry mom, you can't ride with us, we don't have any empty seats in the van.

4. After looking at the pile of socks you are buying, the check out lady at Target asks you if you are a teacher doing some sort of art project with your class.

5. Hmmmm...where to put the baby's Christmas stocking on the mantel...things are getting tight up there!

6. You start to consider all the benefits of buying a conversion van.

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