One Word At A Time: Trust
By MAD21
Peter's One Word at a Time blog carnival on Obedience was so successful a few weeks ago, we all decided we'd like to make it a regular thing. So, every other week, we will choose a word to write about and link back to Bridget's blog (since doing One Word at a Time is her "thing"). This week, we bring you:
I asked my family: "What does Trust mean to you?"
Youngest daughter (3.5): (Long pause... shoulder shrugg) "I don't know, Mommy. What is it?"
Oldest daughter (5.5): "Doing something God asks you to. And keeping your promises, too."
Hubby: "The ability to know someone will do something when they say they will."
Me: "That someone or something will do what they are supposed to do, or what was promised. That someone is telling the truth."
The dictionary defines trust as: "Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence." So. To trust someone or something, one must have confidence in the one you are trusting. Is trust something that comes naturally, or is it something that is earned, or ...learned?