VBS Through Older Eyes
By Mallory
In June, I worked at my church's Vacation Bible School (VBS). It was fun, as always, but exhausting. The kids seemed really into it and, believe me, they were very LOUD and EXCITED all week (until they were tired... and restless... and antsy!) But good times were had by all, and I had fun reminiscing about the days when my brother and I were little and we went to VBS.
This year our theme was “Rome;” the week centered around Paul's imprisonment and the underground church. Every night the kids learned a Biblical lesson summarized in a short statement like “God's love changes us,” "God's love saves us,” etc. One night the lesson was “Nothing can separate us from God's love.” On stage, our children's minister asked the kids if sickness or death or pain could separate us from God's love. As the kids shouted “NO!” in enthusiastic unison, I couldn't help but think about how hard it is for even adults to grasp this idea.