In A Bizarre Turn Of Events...
By Mallory
“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9, NIV)
You know how the plot of a good story in literature (or movies, I guess) seems to work out just so? As intricate as the plot is, the author manages to get the timing perfect. In the end, the whole story makes sense and it all ends in this perfect cadence.
Sometimes I wonder if our lives are kind of like that.
I’m not sure how I ended up at Wheaton College. First of all, it wasn’t a school I wanted to even go to. At all. (Looking back, I don’t know why.) Wheaton College, in the briefest summary possible, is a small (2500 students), non-denominational Christian, liberal arts college that’s about 780 miles away from home. More often than not, this feels like 780 thousand miles away from home. During my first year of school, I was part of Wheaton’s Conservatory of Music, or, as it is annoyingly but affectionately known, the Conserve.