Inexplicable Ways

"We need to stop trying to domesticate God or confine Him to tidy categories and compartments that reflect our human sentiments rather than His inexplicable ways."
- Francis Chan in Erasing Hell
Something to Think About...
"We need to stop trying to domesticate God or confine Him to tidy categories and compartments that reflect our human sentiments rather than His inexplicable ways."
- Francis Chan in Erasing Hell
"In the God of all creation, we put our faith and trust. And give our lives to you, cause you gave your life for us."
- Randy Travis
"As often as you can during the day, recall your mind to the presence of God. Consider what God is doing, what you are doing. You will always find God's eyes fixed on you in unchangeable love."
- Francis De Sales
"We cannot see the good things in people if we are not looking for the good things in them."
- Unknown
"Just because God is silent, doesn't mean he is still."
- Unknown