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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Faith (208)


Being You

"Strip away all the things people think define you, and you are ultimately left with what you know to be the truth. That despite how flawed you may be, God put you on this earth for His glory, and He has already equipped you with the tools you will need. It is up to you to hone these tools, and get to work on your Father’s business."

- An excerpt from Being Me (and Being You) by Kathy on her blog Hey Look, A Chicken!


Saved By Grace

"We’re saved by grace through faith.” This phrase, which expresses so succinctly the means of our salvation, can become so familiar that we lose the meaning of what God has done in us. On the one hand, we can fall into legalism, trying to earn God’s favor by works. On the other, we can fall into sin, taking God’s grace for granted and rationalizing that “God will forgive me anyway.” We need to regain a biblical view—one that relies completely on God’s grace but does not trample on it by continued, willful sin."

- An excerpt from Grace So Amazing on the blog Billy Graham Evangelic Association


Where Do We Deserve To Be?

"The essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting Himself for man. Man asserts himself against God and puts himself where only God deserves to be; God sacrifices Himself for man and puts Himself where only man deserves to be."

- John Stott


God's Grace

"Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace, and your best days are never so good that you're beyond the need of God's Grace."

- Unknown


Die For A Lie?

"The enemy is a liar, and he will display that sin in a perfect place, and then try to convince you that there is no possible harm in it.  Just like the fake fruit--how could it be dangerous when it looks so good? The danger may not be visible on the surface, but hidden below is death. His only goal is to "fake you out" so that when you depart from this life, to meet your Maker, it will not be a glorious encounter but rather a hellish one."

- An excerpt from Are You Willing to Die for a Lie? by Melinda Lancaster