Life Is Funny: I Don't Know Where She Gets It...

By MAD21
As you all know, when you bring family and friends together all kinds of things can happen. I guess you could say my job is comic relief considering it seems I'm always (unintentionally most of the time) finding something to say or do that makes people laugh... I'd like to say with me, not at me, but you know how that goes.
This Thanksgiving was no different. A few family members and I were in the kitchen talking with a family friend who hadn't seen our girls in awhile. He made a comment that our youngest was starting to look a lot like me. That started the usual discussion about which traits came from which side of the family. At one point I made a comment about how my youngest is so strong-willed and I wasn't sure where it came from. Much to my own demise I continued to dig my hole by saying that I knew I could be stubborn sometimes, but she was a whole different level of stubborn.
About that time I looked up to see my family members all trying to contain their laughter, and then another family friend who was standing behind me at the sink blew soda out her nose. I just looked around in utter shock and said, "Oh, common! I'm not that bad!" Then there was all out laughing.. including my normally quiet brother-in-law in the next room who had apparently been listening (his excuse was that he was just laughing at our friend who blew soda out her nose. Ya. Sure.).
In my defense, after further discussion it was determined that my hubby (and his sister) had some issues with being strong-willed as a child. So there <harumpf>.
Suffice to say... my youngest comes by her strong-will honestly. And as Kristen from We Are THAT Family said in her post: One day, I will marvel at her strength and will when she makes a good decision and leads rather than follows.
My friend and fellow blogger Wendy at Weight..What? has a fun carnival at her blog called "Life is Funny." Every Monday we talk about something in life that we find funny. Be sure to go visit her blog to read her post along with links to other blogs who are participating.

Reader Comments (3)
Love it :)
Stubbornly hanging on to your belief that she didn't get it from you, huh? Just proving their point right and left...
You're so bad you made someone shoot soda out their nose? Wow, now that's bad...