God Says... "Call to me and I will answer."

By Peter Pollock
" God doesn’t hear me..."
How often do we say, or at least THINK this?
Probably all of us know or believe that God DOES hear us… but what we’re really saying is that he doesn’t respond.
I can’t even count how many times my kids have said to me “You’re not listening” when I’m hearing everything they say.
What they really mean is “You’re not responding the way I want or when I want!”
The problem they have is that they don’t always have all of the information I have or they can’t see the bigger picture the way I can.
They use the word ‘listening’ to mean ‘responding the way I want.’
By that definition, God rarely ‘listens’ to me.
A different way of thinking.
None of us are ever going to convince God to do what we want, when we want. It’s just not going to happen.
God knows an infinite amount more than us and sees EVERYTHING.
We only see a tiny amount and we know a lot less than we think we do.
The only answer here is for us to change our way of thinking. We need to go from thinking ‘God’s not listening to me’ to ‘maybe I’m not listening to God.'