In Step

By Michelle (Graceful, Faith in the Everyday)
I remember the first time I saw Riverdance on television. Flipping through channels as I lounged on my parents’ nubby couch late one night, my jaw dropped when I caught sight of those lithe bodies and kicky heels reel across the stage, every one of the dancers’ limbs moving precisely in unison. Toes and heels tapping, arms taut, torsos erect, the entire troupe of thirty dancers moved perfectly in step. I couldn’t take my eyes of them.
I hadn’t thought about Riverdance for a long time, until recently, when I read this verse:
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25).
I suspect I don’t keep in step with the Holy Spirit with Riverdance precision. In fact, I suspect I frequently dance to my own tune or veer off altogether, much like I did when I played clarinet in my high school marching band. Back then, I’d fall in line next to the flutes and oboes and begin the trek across the football field, only to find that halfway through When the Saints Come Marching In, I’d have wandered out of the winds and straight into the brass, out of step and off-key.
I’m guessing my problem was lack of practice – once a week wasn’t nearly enough to keep my feet moving in the right direction.
These days I’m learning that spiritual disciplines take practice as well. On a positive note, practicing faith is far easier on the calf muscles than jigs and reels. Plus, I’m a lot less likely to succumb to plantar fasciitis. On the down side, it’s still practice.
Three months ago I began an early morning ritual: Bible reading and prayer. Warm cup of coffee in hand, I bury myself under a down comforter on the couch with the Bible open on my lap. I don’t read much at one time – a few verses, a chapter at most. Occasionally I take notes or underline verses that resonate. Then I close the book, sink deep into the cushions and pray.
I start with the handful of people on my prayer list (this, incidentally, grew out of blogging. I figure if I leave a comment on a post saying, “I will pray for you,” I darn well better do it). Then come a few requests for my own spiritual livelihood. A few days ago at the start of a four-day weekend at home with the kids, for instance, I prayed to God that he “help me be a fun mom.”
Yes, for the record, I need to pray to be fun.
Like any discipline, whether it’s dancing or dieting or marching in a straight line in tune with the music, prayer and Bible study require practice. Nurturing my relationship with God simply doesn’t magically happen overnight. I have to work at it. I have to practice. I have to practice even when I don’t much feel like it.
And in this practice, in this everyday routine, I occasionally fall into perfect step. The Spirit leads, I follow, and we dance in graceful unison, if only for a while.
Michelle is a Christian wife and mother of two originally from Massachusetts now living in Nebraska. She is a part-time writer, editor and fundraiser for Nebraska PBS/NPR. Michelle loves to write about how her family illuminates God's presence in her everyday life, and on finding (and keeping) faith in the everyday. Michelle enjoys reading, running and writing. Be sure to go visit her blog, Graceful, Faith in the Everyday.
Reader Comments (8)
So true, Michelle... and the more I've practiced my morning devotional with coffee and prayer, the more I get from it, the more "in step" I feel with HIm. Lovely post. :)
My precious 18 year old son is "practicing" right now, training to dance in step with the Spirit. He gets up at five for a couple of hours of prayer and study. And he is realizing that it is hard to get these spiritual muscles trained to Riverdance! And as he struggles to "enjoy" this new discipline, the most precious thing happened. He asked his two younger brothers (our two Siberian sons, with whom he shares a bedroom) to pray for him that he will "have the strength to continue to press into the Heart of God." And each morning since, the youngest faithfully adds his big brother's request to our prayer list as we begin school. So not only is Caleb training his own spiritual muscles, he is having a huge influence on his younger siblings. Thank You, Lord.
The time I am in step is the best time. Why do I quickly misstep and end up skip stepping to catch back up? Lovely post.
This is a verse I've been thinking about a lot during the past year. My Christian experience has been heavy on academic study and theology, but profoundly light on teaching/understanding about the ministry and work of the Holy Spirit. I think so often, when I reach the point of exhaustion in trying to live a faithful Christian life, it's because I'm not keeping in step with the Spirit--have a form of godliness but denying it's power, as Timothy says. I'm not really sure what it looks like to keep in step with the spirit--your thoughts here are helpful. And I totally get the marching band thing. I''m pretty sure that I still can hit a five-yard line in exactly eight steps!
Michellle, since I know I am one of those you are 'praying' for while cozy under your blanket, I want to add my comment here to say THANKS, HOW 'GRACEFUL' you have been to me, since I began to respond to some of your daily posts. How honored I am to be one that you will bow and pray for. And, to let you know, your prayers are being answered. No, it doesn't get any easier....YES, it does get sweeter. Grace is being supplied in baskets overflowing. Gen 33:14
Praise for you, my Sister,
Wow Michelle, how fun to put my name in the box marked "author" I love that! And I loved this post.....while I was reading it I was thinking of this past summer when I was doing the Marching part of the WII fit. It cracked me up but also was infuriating when I didn't get the timing right! I too pray for those on my blogging list and now I will be have another reason to be thankful for this blogging community when I think of you praying on your couch! I too treasure my morning coffee with the Lord! Love and blessings, Lori
Thank you all for your lovely, thoughtful comments here today. I just love this blogging community! And thank you, Ginny, for hosting me -- you are so generous with this space!
"The Spirit leads, I follow, and we dance in graceful unison, if only for a while." this...dancing with GOD...