Fighting Childhood Cancer, One Cup At A Time

By Megan (Steps For Brady)
We’ve all heard the expression, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? What about when life gives you cancer? What then?
Thanks to a little girl named Alexandra Scott, those of us who have been touched by pediatric cancer can take our experience and use it to make a difference. Alex had cancer, life gave her that lemon, and she decided to make lemonade.
Alex Scott was an amazing girl who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma just before her first birthday. In the year 2000, she decided that she wanted to have a lemonade stand to raise money to help doctors find a cure for childhood cancer. Tragically at the age of 8, Alex lost her battle with cancer, but at the time of her death, she had raised 1 million dollars towards cancer research. The Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation has since raised over 25 million dollars through the hard work of children and families all over the world who hold lemonade stands in their community.