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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Tips (3)


Works For Me Wednesday: Blogging Tips

By MAD21

For this week's WFMW, Kristen asked us to share our favorite blogging tips. Even though it's almost been a year, I still feel new to the blogging world. But here are five things I've learned:

1. Care about what you are writing about. If you don't, your readers won't either.

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Works For Me Wednesday: Organizing Rooms

By MAD21

We all have one... A space in the house that is like a dumping ground. For some it's the garage, some it's the attic, others it's the 'spare room.' You know the kind, it's the space full of clutter where there is a mix of items that are used and unused, and things that need to either be given away, sold, or thrown away.

I am, by nature, a neat-freak. I am one of those people who can't stand the sight of clutter everywhere. It was much easier to live a life clutter-free before being married and having kids. Though, it wasn't too bad until the kids came along. Now it's a daily struggle to keep my house from looking like a giant toy box. I am happy to find out that as they get older, their toys seem to get smaller, so I do have some hope for the future...


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Important Things To Remember

By MAD21

During my journey of losing 100 pounds, I learned a few things along the way. I thought I would share them with you:

  • Nothing worth having is ever easy.
  • You didn’t get to be your current size in a few weeks, months or years. Give yourself a break and set realistic expectations. If you mess up one meal, one day, or even a week, just start again. If it takes you 2-3 years to lose all the weight and get to the level of health that you want, so be it. Those years are going to pass anyway, so you might as well keep up the work. It is SO worth it.
  • NOTHING tastes as good as being slim and healthy feels. Ask yourself every time you want to eat that extra piece of cake, donut, or candy bar if that will taste better than how you will feel being able to buy a size 6 pair of jeans.
  • It's cannot be a 'diet,' it has to be a lifestyle, a new way of living. In order for you to be successful at losing weight and getting healthy, you have to have a full understanding that this is a lifestyle change. Not just something you do for a little while or until you fit into that certain size. You have to make a lifetime commitment to do this for yourself. Fill your life with activity, not food. Find something to be passionate about, a purpose.
  • Remind yourself that food’s real purpose is only to make our bodies function. Yes, the junk tastes yummy. But if it’s too much of a temptation to over eat, ask yourself why do you even want or need to eat it. And when you eat it, ask yourself how you feel (I think we miss that part, I found that eating some foods made me feel tired, or just plain icky). We don’t keep junk food in our house. No jelly treats, no fruit rollups, no candy, no cookies. If there is no nutritional value, we don’t have it in our kitchen. Does this mean we never eat it? No way! (Not with my sweet tooth!) Just that we only have it on special occasions. As Cookie Monster would say... “It’s a sometimes treat.”