The Gift Of Words Through Community

"...God has given us the gift of words through community.
It’s been said that talk is cheap.
I disagree. We all need to hear words of affirmation. Words that speak truth, that help us see a glimpse of who we truly are.
Words change and shape us. Sometimes for the worse, but thankfully, other times, for the better.
Community is like that, I think.
Just as others have slayed me with their words, God has healed me through others.
I wouldn’t be where I am today, if it weren’t for the lifegiving words of some who were generous with their encouragement and friendship.
These friends made time to listen and stand with me in the process of becoming.
True community isn’t “pretty” because it’s human. It’s imperfections can hurt, but it opens opportunities to love. God has used community to open my heart, beyond the borders of myself."
- An excerpt from Community: The Gift of Words by Bonnie Gray on her blog Faith Barista

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