Faith Like A Child
"...Those are the ups that make the nose-dives a little easier to live with. I know it’s normal for them to have questions, and even to doubt… but it doesn’t make it hurt any less to see them struggle. As a parent I think we all want to believe they’ll never walk away, but unfortunately… this is completely out of our control. We can teach them with our words and our actions, then all we can do is pray and be there for all the UPS and the DOWNS.
Mark 10:15
“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Reality is… I still have questions, doubts and fears, but then I’m reminded that God has made us promises that I know we can count on. We simply have to open our hearts like my kids did on that amazing evening eight years ago… and believe."
- An excerpt from Believe by Bridget Chumbley on her blog One Word at a Time