
Something to Think About
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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in From the Heart (35)


The Commercial Church

In the fast-moving pace of today, it's easy to be swept away by all the things coming at us. We are constantly being bombarded by things trying to get our attention to either buy, read, donate, visit, watch, etc. Everything has become about how to get our attention, how to entertain us, how to get us to do something, us, us, us.

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We have all been hurt deeply by someone at some point in our lives. Fortunately most of us have not had to experience the horror of someone taking the life of someone we love, which to me is probably the worst thing that could ever happen. But for those who have,

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Simplicity in the Church and at Home

Relevant Magazine published an AMAZING article written by Rebecca Ridlington titled, "A Return to Simplicity." It's a great discussion about what people really want and need in a church and in their own lives. This story really made me stop and think about

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In Jesus' Name

"Through Jesus we are able to seek God's grace. However, it's important to understand that asking for help in Jesus' name means that the request agrees with God's character and will. We're not granted endless wishes to fulfill selfish desires. In fact, if we truly follow God and seek to do His will, then our requests for help will be in line with what He wants for us."

- Focus on the Family article, Troubling God With the Small Stuff, Dan Bradley



"Prayer is not a convenient device for imposing our will upon God, or for bending His will to ours, but the prescribed way of subordinating our will to His.It is by prayer that we seek God's will, embrace it and align ourselves with it.Every true prayer is a variation on the theme, "Your will be done." Our Lord taught us to say this in the pattern prayer He gave us, and added the supreme example of it in Gethsemane."

- John Stott

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