Tasty Bites: B is for Breakfast!
By Candy, RN (Steele the Day)
There are eight B vitamins, usually referred to as the B-complex vitamins. B vitamins play an important part in the health of skin and mucous membranes, including hair, mouth, and eyes. Folic acid is a B vitamin and proper intake is essential for women to avoid certain birth defects. B vitamins also aid in the function of the nervous system by the breakdown of fats and proteins, and play important roles in heart health, circulation, and immunity. No one B vitamin does the trick – they work their magic when they are consumed together.
Deficiency in Vitamin B can lead to insomnia, memory loss, numbness and tingling, and a host of other symptoms. A well-balanced diet will ensure proper Vitamin B intake, but some people, including the elderly and people under excessive stress, need supplements. Check with your doctor if you think you may be deficient in Vitamin B.