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Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
(Galations 6:9)

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Entries in Faith (208)


Outside The Walls

"It's not about people populating programs but about God inhabiting every moment of our lives- most happen outside the walls of the church."

- Sarah from Living Between the Lines


Pray...So We Can Start Living

"It is not that we need to stop living and then pray. We must come to pray… so we can start living. There is no real life apart from prayer. Isn’t relationship the only reality? Thus prayer, relationship with God, is the ultimate reality. Anything without prayer, anything apart from God, is the false life."

- An excerpt from "The Simplicity of Prayer For Beginners" (A must read post from Holy Experience)


Do People See Christ Through You?

"It matters less what people think of me than what they think of Jesus Christ because of me."

- Anne Bundy at Building His Body


Little Voices

"The first thing Fr. Ted told me is that the little voice in my head telling me everything I did...[was] wrong is not from God, but from Satan. He told me that the devil is thrilled when I am so paralyzed with fear of failure that I can’t do the good that God wants me to do. He reminded me that I need to face my fears with prayer, not hide from them in a corner."

- An excerpt from "Stories From The Confessional" by Helen at Rediscovering the Church


To Lead Or To Follow

"We too often would rather lead Jesus down our comfortable path than follow Him on the path of the cross. Scary to think, He will not follow."

- Jason from Connecting to Impact